Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Back to Nature

I put Abby down for her nap today, only to find her completely naked when she awoke. I hope that she soon forgets how to undress and take off her diaper, for this makes me very nervous!!


Jackie said...

put her pj's on backwards. That way she can't get the zipper undone.

Anonymous said...

There was no zipper.

Zondervan Life said...

this happens to me all the time, Kendra used to get nervous too, but its been ok lately =)

Brenda said...

like mother like daughter!

Bradi said...

Duct tape works good too....on any clothing item =)
(Oh, and just be thankful you didn't discover her, her crib, and all the bedding smeared in her own poop. It's happened)

Ratliff Family said...

I love it! Aaliyah will love this one!

Anonymous said...
