Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Things that make me go ewwwww!

We had our weekly trip to the Moline library today, story hour was replace with John Ball Zoo animals.

We were told that they were bringing in some small animals for the kids to learn about. I was thinking maybe a bunny, kitten, small birds... things of that nature, cute and furry.

I was surprised and disappointed when they hauled out the huge owl, stinky ferret, and the slimy snake.

Huge, creepy one eyed owl looking for the smallest child to eat.
One stinky ferret
Audra bravely touching the snake

Trying not to show my fear of snakes in front of the children...gross!


Ratliff Family said...

Glad you enjoyed your trip to the library, Deb! LOL!!!

Adry said...

LOL!!! Funny post- we always do library story hours and this array of animals is exactly what we get to see here too. I've always wondered why they think tiny kids should play with these creepy critters!