Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Baby Jail

Now that Abby is sleeping on her stomach, this is usually how she greets me in the morning. I think she is trying to say.. get me out of here!

Later in the day I was sorting laundry, and where's a better place to keep her out of trouble?? Like a 6mo old can really do a lot of damage.


Anonymous said...

What a sweet baby face!

Brenda said...

wow...6 months! The old adage rings true, it goes by so fast. She is simply edible. I LOVE this age. 6 months is so fun.

Bradi said...

totally cute! i have pics of RG doing the same thing. She was always very content dumping clothes out of the basket.

Anonymous said...

I think I am going to call the authorities, I don't even put my dog in a laundry basket. Wow Debbie you really keep up on this thing.