Friday, August 20, 2010

Back to Back

This week we did 2 days of hiking at Hall Lake in Yankee Springs. We just purchased a Kelty Kids backpack for Megan, and wanted to make sure it got used.

Tuesday night we met up with our friend Brian, and a few dogs, to do the 2 miles hike.
Eric and I split the time hauling Megan
Wednesday night we headed back out to meet with 3 other couple and their kids to do more hiking. We did some of the same trail as the night before, but broke off on another. There are miles and miles of trails to hike and bike!
Everyone getting ready to head outMike and Eric (each with a child in tow) blazing the trail, keeping us at a rapid speed.
The Rottman's taking a second to humor me with a 'smile for the camera'